10 Individual Facts Sad People Always Try And Make Other People Happy

A New Ideas For Everyone Fact About Everything Trivia and Facts

#1 Individual Facts
Sprite can help relieve some stomach pains, such as those caused by a gassy build up. Carbonated beverages such as Sprite can cause you to burp and expel some of the gas, thus relieving you of your stomach pain.

#2 Individual Facts
Holding hands with someone you love can alleviate physical pain as well as stress and fear.

#3 Individual Facts
Only two types of people will be nice to you: those who want to use you, or those who truly like you.

#4 Individual Facts
The microwave was invented by accident in 1945, when an engineer working close to high powered radars noticed the candy bar in his pocket had melted.

#5 Individual Facts
In the 1830's ketchup was marketed as a medicine for an upset stomach and rheumatism.

#6 Individual Facts
Cube shaped watermelons in Japan cost two to three times the normal price, about $90. Their cube shape helps to save space in the fridge.

#7 Individual Facts
About 98% of the thoughts you have each day are the same thoughts you had the
previous day.

#8 Individual Facts
In the original story of "The Little Mermaid," Ariel doesn't marry the prince. He marries someone else, and she kills herself.

#9 Individual Facts
Atelophobia is a condition that causes people to over-think and obsess over the thought of not being good enough.

#10 Individual Facts
Sad people always try and make other people happy because they know how terrible it is to feel worthless.

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