10 Individual Facts Lefties Are Awesome!

A New Ideas For Everyone Fact About Everything Trivia and Facts

#1 Individual Facts
12 Reasons Why Left Handers (Lefties) are Awesome!
1) Did you know left- handers are more likely to pass their driver's test on the first try?
2) They are also more apt to be a part of Mensa, the world's largest and oldest high IQ society. This because studies have shown lefties are more likely to have an IQ score above 131.
3) Lefties are great at competitive sports. They make especially good baseball players, tennis players,cricketrs, swimmers, boxers and fencers (almost 40% of the top tennis players are lefties).
4) Left handers recover from strokes faster.
5)And are also more likely to pursue creative careers.
6) Of the seven most recent U.S Presidents, 4 have been left handed, including Bush Sr., Bill Clinton and Obama.
7) Left handed college graduates go on to become 26% richer than right handed graduates.
8) Lefties can clearly see the world underwater. Scientists think it has something to do with a different part of the brain being central in left handed individuals.
9) Research shows lefties are smarter in math because their brains are more flexible.
10) Left handers process things faster than righties and can multitask easier thanks to connections between the right and left sides of the brain being faster in left- handed people.
11) Left-handed people easily hear rapidly changing sounds.
12) And, lefties are better at playing video games, although controllers are made for righties!

#2 Individual Facts
7 signs to see if you’re being manipulated
1)They force you to tell about yourself first
On hearing your story in details, they gather enough valuable information about you to use against you. If you feel their intentions are misplaced, then don’t talk to them at all.
2)They’ll overwhelm you with false superiority
Being too clever, they will dump all these extra confusing facts and trivia about things you don’t know much about. This is their way to enforce control over you so that they can play you at their own whims.
3)They spread negativity
You might have noticed manipulative people talk loudly and rudely to others whom they want to control. This shows their desire to force them to submit to their whims and wishes. It’s an age old method to make a weak person crumble against power. Keep your calm, stay away and refuse to listen to them, if you face such situations.
4) Feeding on others’ insecurity
People with insecurities become the first and easiest targets for psychological manipulators. They consider it to be a great weakness and therefore go to large extents to increase that insecurity in others. By making fun of others and ridiculing them, they manipulate them. You must boldly tell them that this kind of behavior is uncalled for and unacceptable. Also, stay away from them.
5) They’ll pretend to be innocent
The most cunning and shrewd ones often try to act ignorant and foolish to conceal their true game plan. Just how a child pretends to be unable to do something to make the adult do it for them, similarly these manipulators uses this technique to make others do their work. Don’t succumb to their demands and simply refuse to do anything for them. Be confident.
6) They alter information
They change the truth for their own benefit. They’ll create an utter mess by putting the blame on others and other tricks to manipulate. These pathetic liars don’t deserve any attention.
7) They pressurize others

#3 Individual Facts
Psychopaths are immune to contagious yawning and are less likely to be startled.

#4 Individual Facts
The Queen of England doesn't need a passport, since all passports in Britain are issued in her name.

#5 Individual Facts
The first episode of Detective Conan anime was released on January 8 1996.
And since then Conan hasn't move up a year level from his grade school.

#6 Individual Facts
If someone gives opinions on topics they know nothing about, they're an ultracrepidarian.

#7 Individual Facts
The Sun is not "on fire." As a result of nuclear fusion, its energy is released as gamma rays that emit light and heat.
#8 Individual Facts
80% of people keep their feelings to themselves because they believe it's hard for others to understand their pain.

#9 Individual Facts
The world record for the farthest flight by a paper airplane is 69.14 meters (226 feet 10 inches).

#10 Individual Facts
When the first iPod prototype was shown to Steve Jobs, he dropped it in an aquarium and used the air bubbles to prove there was empty space and it could be made smaller.

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