The Portal Code: Monroe Technique Lucid Dreaming

Secret of Portal Lucid Dreams The Portal Virtual Reality World

Monroe Technique 7 simple and safe steps.

First Step
Relax your body and mind completely. Monroe doesn't specify any relaxation technique; so you can use a technique that best suits you.

Second Step
Enter the hypnagogic state of mind, a state that is close to sleep. Monroe calls this Condition A. Again, he doesn't specify a method. You can use any method you like to get into Condition A.

Third Step
Get deeper and deeper into Condition A. Begin clearing your mind of all thoughts. Observe the void ahead of you. Soon, you will notice patterns of light. These are just neural discharges; so don't get alarmed. When these neural discharges cease, you will have entered into Condition B. To astral project successfully, you must enter Condition C, a deeper state of relaxation, and then Condition D, a state of total void.

Fourth Step
Get into a mode of vibration. When you have successfully reached the fourth step, you will feel a tingling sensation all over the body.

Fifth Step
Start controlling those vibrations. Push them into your head, down your toes, or just flood them all over your body. Learn to produce vibration waves all over your body. Soon, you will be able to vibrate at will. Once you have achieved this, you are ready to astral project.

Sixth Step
First, project partially. Focus is of great importance during this step. Simply focus on leaving your body; and push stray thoughts out of your head. Monroe suggests that you release an astral limb (hand or foot) out of your physical body, touch a familiar object with the astral limb, push your astral limb through the object, and then return the astral limb to your physical body. Repeat this often.

Seventh Step
It is now time for complete separation. Monroe suggests 2 methods for this. You can just lift your astral body from the physical body by imagining yourself getting lighter or you can use the roll out technique and just roll out of your body.

Usually, the Monroe method works. If it doesn't, you need not despair. There are hundreds of books on how to astral project. Find a method that suits you best and stick to it. You will soon be able to teach others how to astral project.

- Robert Monroe Astral Projection pdf

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