The Portal Code

Secret of Portal Lucid Dreams The Portal Virtual Reality World

The Portal Code is a guide for entering the different reality of existence inside the Virtual World or Dreams. One known Portal called Void is the station that gives chance for every Oneironaut or Lucid Dreamers to experience and visit the Universe and Multiverses. An advance mind, method and a proper technique for maintaining awareness are needed to master the Secret of Portal.

is a doorway, gate, or other entrance, especially a large and elaborate one.

is a space of blankness inside the Virtual World or Dreams. *The station for the next plane of existence.

Many dreamers experience this, noticing the blankness while having lucid dreams. They may suspect that the blankness is the indication of the dreams end, and as soon they notice that, they will choose to wake them self up. But, they did not know that blankness is one of the portal for the other world of existence inside the world of dreams.

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