The Portal Code: Tornado As Portal Lucid Dreams

Secret of Portal Summon Tornado Said The DC's

A New Way To Teleport From A New Destination
I am so lucky that my Dream Characters helps me to teleport, last night while lucid dreaming. I ask them how can I teleport, and they told me to summon a tornado. I know how to summon things, either I will visualize it until its manifest or let the dream do all the work and just wait. I run and go outside my house, I ask the sky, the dream for a tornado, I tell the sky, and shout "tornadoooooooo" outloud, then walaaaa -- its appear from the above.

Send me to the solar planet as I said; in which came from my mouth without my intention. The tornado start to take me upward and send me into darkness, the blankness and I felt warmed. And yes, I know this is the station for a new location. I wait until my vision get back and it slowly turning back, and I can now see clearly, feel refreshed.

I found myself on the same location, but in different environment. There are two moons, one is color yellow and one is like our original moon. The sky is yellowish orange in which looks so amazing. But then my body is shrinking, I felt the heavy vibrations in which it is hard to breath, I panic and then I woke up.

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