The Akashic Records Lucid Dream Experience Is That Akashic Page Glimpse?

I Access Book Of Akashic Records? Travel To Past Life Dream Dejavu

The Akashic Records Glimpse
Last night, I have a lucid and I ask the dream world to send me to the "Akashic Records". The dream send me to a place and to a page of book. I do not know if the dream literally send me to the akashic record or just another trick made by dream.

It was started when I found myself outside, on a road and it was dark. The only light is coming from that open building. The building is the only source of light, and so I use my guts feeling and walks toward the building, get inside and found out that the building was a museum. I question it, I question myself, I question the dream and I am talking to myself asking if this the akashic records?. Well, I'm not pretty sure maybe just a random place... I don't have a huge ideas what is akashic records really looks like, and not sure if it's really existed, though I research it and some tells that the akashic records is a book.

Inside the museum, I can see a lobby not far away from me, and it looks like a casino, it's like a Chinese casino. There are so many people inside, and out of nowhere, I  really don't know but out of curiosity, I just walk toward to that red door. Inside the red door, I saw a plenty historical things inside the box of glass. I somehow feel and know that all the people inside are in the field trip and I am one of them. The place seems familiar to me, like maybe I already seen this, and I suspect that I already dream about this place, I have that dejavu inside the dream. I am thwarted to what I am seeing, because I really "expect" that the akashic records is a book!. I run to the lobby and leave the building, go outside.

People are busy outside, my mind was busy too asking the dream to please send me to akashic records. I lay down on the ground and try to sleep inside the dream. After a while, I absorbed by  darkness, and it took my vision. I can feel, I can feel the warm environment, but I am also blind in the darkness.

I try to wake up, and so I opened my eyes, stand up and finally I am awake. But wait, the environment seems inappropriate, it is so hazy, my sense of touch is different from the waking life, I can feel the soft moisture coming from my environment. I can feel my body as solid as my physical body, and so I have that confusion that maybe I am really awake. Yet, I choose to do the reality check, for me to make sure if  I am still in the dream. I use to see my hands and yeah it looks normal. I ask myself to make my fingers add more fingers, and 100% I am really sure I am still dreaming... Why? cause I saw my right hand, and my fingers become eight.

I went outside to ask again the dream to send me to the akashic records for the second time. And after I tell the dream of what I wanted, the darkness took my vision once again. I can feel the warm surrounding, I also feel mixed emotions in which I can't explain using a single word. As time goes by, there is that dot of a light coming from far away in my direction. It was expanding and expanding and turning into a page of a book. You can imagine it like you're on a dark room, and the source of light is coming only from a book, in which coming towards you.

The page was written on not my own language, it is not Filipino and not English. But, I can read who is the author, cause it was readable. I can see a name and it was written in the name of Aristotle. I never read any book of Aristotle before. I try to memorize analyze the book, find any information that maybe helpful, but I can't, because it was written in unknown alphabet, though I can see a text which can be read, the BCE text and a number. I am trying

to memorize the number, speaking it through my mind repeatedly, and so all my focus takes by that wrong decision, and so I woke up cause of high excitement and a burst of emotion.

After, I woke up I try to search what I have found in my dream. Search the name of Aristotle...

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