Latest News: Romaine Lettuce Warning! CDC Says E. coli Outbreak Be Cautious!

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Romaine LettuceWhile Scrolling For A Trend Topic, I Saw This Romaine Lettuce Warning! And So I choose To Post It Immediately On My Blog... For Me And For Everyone Reading Here Please Be Aware, You Can Prevent Damage!

Consumers should throw away any romaine lettuce, and retailers and restaurants should not sell or serve it, the CDC said. At least 32 people in 11 states have gotten sick from the same strain of E. coli in the outbreak. The illnesses started in October and have hospitalized at least 13 people, including one with a kind of kidney failure, the CDC said. No deaths have been reported, and no recalls have been issued.

E. coli
E. coli infects the intestine and causes symptoms that range from non-presenting to severe.
Symptoms of infection with E. coli 0157 typically appear 3 to 4 days after being exposed to the bacteria. However, symptoms may appear as early as 24 hours or as late as 1 week later.

These can include:
  • abdominal pain or severe abdominal cramping, often starting suddenly
  • watery diarrhea, beginning a few hours after the pain begins
  • bright red bloody stools around a day later, resulting from the toxin's damage to the intestines
  • nausea and, in some cases, vomiting
  • in some cases, fever, usually below 101 degrees Fahrenheit
  • fatigue, resulting from dehydration and the loss of fluids and electrolytes
  • Some people have no noticeable symptoms, but they can spread the infection to others.

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