10 Individual Facts Samhainophobia Is The Fear Of Halloween?

A New Ideas For Everyone Fact About Everything Trivia and Facts

#1 Individual Facts
In ancient times doctors used spiderwebs to make bandages for their patients.

#2 Individual Facts
The smallest penguin on the planet is only 16 inches tall.

#3 Individual Facts
God killed nearly 3 million people according to the Bible – Satan killed 10.

#4 Individual Facts
Christmas supposedly marks the birth of Jesus Christ on December 25. But there is no mention of December 25 in the Bible and most historians actually believe he was born in the spring.

#5 Individual Facts
Want to see a witch on Halloween?

According to an old folk tradition, if you want to see a witch on Halloween, wear your clothes inside out, and then walk backward. You’ll see one come midnight.

#6 Individual Facts
The fear of public speaking, or glossophobia, is one of the most common fears of all. Afraid they’ll be laughed at, ridiculed, or ignored, people afraid of public speaking often have intense anxiety and sweating before they get up on stage to talk.

#7 Individual Facts
The word “witch” comes from the Old English wicce , meaning “wise woman.”

#8 Individual Facts
Samhainophobia is the fear of Halloween.

#9 Individual Facts
What happens after break up:
1) Denial. This is the stage wherein you can't accept the fact that it's over. You are still feeding yourself the idea that it didn't happen.
2) Anger. This is the stage wherein you are just mad of everything. You try to tell everyone how psycho your ex was. This is when you give reasons to validate that he's not worthy of you.
3) Bargaining. This is the stage wherein you are still looking for possible ways to save the relationship.
4. Depression. The feeling of being tired all the time, not wanting to do anything but lay in bed, feeling disconnected from people even when you’re with them, being on the verge of tears most of the time, trouble sleeping or sleeping too much, loss of appetite or overeating, increase in drug or alcohol use and (the big one) hopelessness.
5) Acceptance. This is the last part and the sweetest. This when you can really say that you are over him/her. You are now ready for the next chapter of your life.

#10 Individual Facts
Lucid Dream has 3 elements
1) Dejavu
2) Sleep paralysis
3) Astral Projection

Why do you need to know these 3 elements ?
Learning this should give you deeply understanding in your dreams.

Dejavu is another part of Lucid Dream which gives you an access to travel through 5th Dimention and allows you to see your future.
That's because you already saw this phenomenon before through Dejavu. The thing is you are not able to control it before or maybe this is something unusual.
But once you learned to control it, believe me, this will really help you to avoid things that will put your life in danger.

Sleep paralysis also known as baphomets cursed is a type of Lucid Dream that makes you paralyzed after dreaming or sometimes you know that you are just dreaming but even you try to shout, move your body or speak, the only thing that you can do is to move your eyes and think on whats happening.
This can also be used to hallucinate, but beware, doing this so much or everytime can trigger your 6th sense and may occur paranormal activity.
You will hear strange noises and voices of dead people, you will see demons and bad spirits including entities.
Some people uses this ability to communicate with their love ones who already passed away.
Once again be careful because you might end up losing your mind and thrown to mental hospital.

Astral projection is the latter part of Dejavu, it allows you to separate your spirit from your body, travel through different time space and different places.You can also stalk to someone you like.This is the hardest part to achieve in elements of Lucid Dreaming, it takes time, effort and guts to conquer your fear.

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