10 Individual Facts The Oxford English Dictionary

A New Ideas For Everyone Fact About Everything Trivia and Facts

#1 Individual Facts
The most powerful electric eel is found in the rivers of Brazil, Columbia, Venezuela, and Peru, and produces a shock of 400-650 volts.

#2 Individual Facts
Eighty percent of Haitians live under the poverty line and 54% live in abject poverty. The average per capita income in Haiti is $480 a year, compared to $33,550 in the United States.

#3 Individual Facts
The word “pornography” first appeared in the Oxford English Dictionary in 1857.

#4 Individual Facts
The word “diabetes” is Greek for “siphon,” which refers to the copious urine of uncontrolled diabetes. “Mellitus” is Latin for “honey” or “sweet,” a name added when physicians discovered that the urine from people with diabetes is sweet with glucose.

#5 Individual Facts
In approximately 54% of human trafficking cases, the recruiter is a stranger, and in 46% of the cases, the recruiters know the victim. Fifty-two percent of human trafficking recruiters are men, 42% are women, and 6% are both men and women.

#6 Individual Facts
Some dinosaurs may have had colorful skin, but scientists don’t know for sure. It’s likely that most dinosaurs had green and brown scales to help them hide among trees and plants.

#7 Individual Facts
The purity of gold is measured in carat weight. The term “carat” comes from “carob seed,” which was standard for weighing small quantities in the Middle East. Carats were the fruit of the leguminous carob tree, every single pod of which weighs 1/5 of a gram (200 mg).

#8 Individual Facts
The term “gold” is the from the Proto-Indo-European base *ghel / *ghol meaning “yellow,” “green,” or possibly “bright.'

#9 Individual Facts
Vatican Council II (1962–1965) was the 21st general or ecumenical council of the Catholic Church and is considered by many as the most significant religious event since the 16th century Reformation. Unlike previous councils which had been called to combat heresy or deal with some threat to the Church, this council’s aim was to promote peace and unity.

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